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nota fiskalna e-mail e-mail lub e-faktura poczta elektroniczna - correio eletrnico sistema de comunicão por escrito a longa distncia atravs de compu tadores interligados embezzlement - apropriao indbita desfalque przestępczość do colarinho branco pracownik - empregado, funcionrio załącznik - anexo rozrywka - lazer, podmiot diverso - entidade entry - lanamento spłatę przedpłaty EPP przed wywozem - pragnię z eksporterem equity - równoważny broker walutowy - corretor de cmbio kurs - taxa de cmbio podatek akcyzowy - imposto sobre fabricao, distribuio ou venda de produtos dyrektor wykonawczy - diretor expired - vencido, sem legalny podatek wywozowy - imposto de exportao udogodnienia - opłaty instalaes - taxas postać - dado, valor figura file taxes - fazer a declarao do imposto de renda finanse - rok finansowy - wykonywanie wyrobów gotowych - produtos acabados rok obrachunkowy - środki trwałe, aktywa trwałe - ativo fixo, permanente, ativo imobilizado stałe oprocentowanie - juros prefixados foreign - estrangeiro, externo dług zagraniczny - dvida externa foreign wymiana - cmbio polityka walutowa - politica forma kambialna - formulrio formar fracht - fret e meble - moblia GAAP Ogólnie przyjęte zasady rachunkowości - zyski lub straty w Princpios Gerais de Contabilidade - ganhos ou perdas Ogólne porozumienie GATT w sprawie taryf celnych i handlu - acordo geral de tarifas e comrcio spółka jawna - sociedade com responsabilidade ilimitada, regida por um contrato entre as partes GNP Produkt narodowy brutto - PIB produto interno bruto goodwill - fundo de comrcio, reputao grace period - prazo de carncia brutto - bruto brutto dochód - receita bruta brutto - akrescentar, ao valor de um pagamento, reembolso antecipado de impostos incidentes sobre o mesmo guarantor - avalista, obsługa fiador - manuseio, manipulao waluta twarda - siedziba zarządu moeda - siedziba główna matriz - matriz, escritrios centrais Międzynarodowy Komitet Normalizacyjny IASC - Comit Internacional de Padres Kontrola bezczynności - parado, inativo Międzynarodowy Fundusz Walutowy Międzynarodowego Funduszu Walutowego - FMI Fundo Monetrio Import międzynarodowy obowiązek - imposto de importao przychód - receita, renda, dochodowy entrada podatki - imposto de renda zwrot podatku dochodowego - restytucja de imposto de renda zwrot podatku dochodowego - deklaracja de imposto de renda wzrost - inflacja aumento - inflao korekta inflacji - korekcja monetarna - alimentao entrada de dados rata - prestao pagamentos mensais ubezpieczenie - seguro ubezpieczenie przeciwpożarowe - seguro contra incndio interest - stopa procentowa interessa juro - taxa de juros Internal Revenue Service IRS - rgo da receita federalne inwentaryzacja EUA - inwentaryzacja, lista dyskryminacji na inwestycje - inwestycje, zaproszenia do składania ofert - licitao, faktura abertura de concorrncia - nota fiskalny, fatura audytor IRS - fido da Receita federalny dozorca - encarregado de limpeza, zelador joint - em conjunto, unido articulao spółka akcyjna - spółdzielnia annima spółka joint venture - empreendimento conjunto socjalizacja em conta de participao osoba prawna corporation - pessoa jurdica labor - mo - de-obra esforo fsico ou mental trabalho de parto prawo pracy - direito do trabalho lan d - terrenos, terra aterrissar se usado como verbo pozew - ao sądownictwo, prawnik procesowy - advogado LC akredytywa - carte de crdito księdze - prawnik życiowy - pessoa jurdica opinia prawna - parecer jurdico postępowanie sądowe - trmites legai akredytywa - kartotekę gwarancyjną carta de crdito - zobowiązania kartelu - passivo obrigaes LIBOR London Oprocentowanie międzybankowe - taksówka normalna de juros internacionais spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością LLC - sociedade limitada norte-americana sociedade por kwota de responsabilidade limitada spółka komandytowa - sociedade por kwas de responsabilidade limitada linie kredytowe - pożyczka socjalna - emprstimo długoterminowa - longo prazo długoterminowe aktywa - realizacja longo prazo Ltd maszyny i urządzenia limitam - mquinas e equipamentos marża - margem margem de lucro udział w rynku - participao fatia dojrzałości mercado - matematyka matematyki MBA magistra biznesu - mestrado em administrao de empresa fosoiro hipotecznych - hipoteczna opłata usług komunalnych - ISSQN osoba fizyczna osoba fizyczna - pessoa fsica netto - patrimnio (fessica) - ministra spraw zagranicznych, lquido zysk netto - receita lquida zysk netto - lucro lquido net sales - vendas lquidas notariusz public - pessoa autorizada a reconhecer firma e autenticar dokumentos tabelio księgowość off-book - caixa 2 ordinance - lei saldo gminne - saldo pendente zaległe - j vencido e no pago devido atrasado overhead - despesas indiretas własność - propriedade paid-in - integralizado paid-in capital - kapitał integralizado, realizacja kapitału płatne - pagvel, pagar płace - folha de pagamento drobne środki pieniężne - nomeiro em caixa para pequenas despesas powódka - autor de uma ao roślina - fbrica, parque industrial planta posadzka roślinna - despesas de correio check-post-date - sprawdź pr-datad o pełnomocnictwo - procurao uprzywilejowany akcje - preferowane preferencje preferencyjne - uczestnictwo w akcji a priori preferenciais przedpłaty - despesas antecipadas przedpłata - pagamento antecipado poprzedni - przedwczesny, prvio notowanie cen - tomada de preos prime rate - a mais baixa taxa de juros para clientses preferenciais brak mercado norte-americano profit - lucro lucrar majątek podatkowy - imposto sobre propriedade imobiliria imposto pre pret terytorialny środek tymczasowy - medida cautelar świadczenie usług - prestao de servios proxy - procurador, outorgado procurao spółka akcyjna - sociedade annima tłumacz publiczny w Wielkiej Brytanii - tradutor zakup juramentado - compra comprar siła nabywcza - poder de compra, poder de consumo kwartał - trimestre kwartalnie - surowce trymestralne - matrias-primas - taxa, ndice real estate - niewłaściwe należności - recebvel, contas a receber do Ativo Realizvel regularnej korporacji - sociedade annima norte-americana reimbursement - reembolso, dev oluo remittance - relacja relacji, relacja relokacji, relacja relokacji, relacja relokacji, relacja relokacji, relacja relokacji, relacja relokacji, relacja relokacji, relacja relokacji, relacja relokacji, - prowizja od sprzedaży - rachunek oszczędnościowy Comisso de vendas - harmonogram caderneta de poupana - tabela, programa, horrio, lista papierów wartościowych - ttulos aes, obrigaes, valores itd. samozatrudniony - profissional autnomo rozliczenia - quitao, liquidao acordo akcjonariusz - acionista krótkoterminowy - adwokat curto prazo - nie sistema jurdico britnico, advogado especialista em trabalhos de natureza mais tcnica e burocrtica ao contrrio do, tais como testamentos, divrcios, contratos sociais spread - margem de akcja kredytowa lucro comisso do banco standby - oświadczenie akcydensowe - posio, demonstrativo declarao statio nery - material de expediente przedawnienie - prescrio, qualquer lei que estabelece limite de tempo reivindicao de direitos via a prawoslawne akcje - aes, participao acionria estoque giełda papierów wartościowych - bolsa de valores akcjonariusz - akcjonariusz akcyjny rynek - merercado de capitais magazyn - magazyn almoksarifado - metoda amortyzacji liniowej metodą liniową - mtodo de depreciao wezwanie do liniowej - ordem sądowy para porównawcza emisyjność zleceniodawcy dokumentacja subskrypcji - assinatura de peridicos spółka zależna - subsydiarium sue - processar, acionar em juzo - artigos pequenos, vrios materiały eksploatacyjne - dostawa suprimentos i żądanie - oferta e procura Sąd Najwyższy - mais alta instncia do poder judicirio norte-americano, równoważny ao supremo tribunal Federalna nadwyżka brasileiro - supervit SWIFT Społeczeństwo na całym świecie międzybankowe telekomunikacje finansowe - telekomunikacja telekomunikacyjna naziemna telekomunikacja telekomunikacyjna telekomunikacja zewnętrzna - podatki akwizgologiczne - tributy o złamanie podatku - incentivo fiscal iseno fiskalne potrącenie z abatimento de imposto odliczenia podatkowe - deduo de impostos podatki - impostos uchylanie się od opodatkowania - sonegao de impostos zwolnienie podatkowe - iseno de impostos rama podatkowa - parasolka fiskalne zachęty podatkowe - incentivo podatkowe podatnik - składka podatkowa - z zastrzeżeniem dezaprobaty przetargowej - oferta, warunki płatności proposta - reguluje czas depozytu - depsito harmonogram prazo fixo - cronograma, horrio - narzędzia pedgio - handel felietonowy - comrcio intercmbio comercial comercializar trademark - registrarstwo trade trade surplus - supervit comercial transfer - przeniesienie transferu podróży - viajar, skarbnik viagem - skarbnik tesoureiro - tesouro, ministrio da fazenda sala próbna - salancete obrót - wolumina de dehydratacji de ume perodo uncollectible - incobrvel unpaid - no pago, a pagar utility - luz, gua, etc Como Abrir Conta Stock Market Nie Brasil Xpmarkets Binarne Opcje Strategie Rpg podatek od wartości dodanej - ICMS, imposto sobre va data depozytowa - data de vencimento zmienny kosztorys - magazyn custeio varivel - depsito, armazm całość - integralna, inteiro, niedozwolony kod SWIFT Kod SWIFT - transfern cabo telegrama ou telex em opera bancrias com o zewnętrzne wycofanie - retirar, wycofanie sakramentalne - retirada, saque withhold - reter świadek - testujnha testujnhar kapitał obrotowy - kapitał de giro praca w toku - trabalho em andamento writedown - redukcja de valor baixa parcial depreciao wartość odpisana - valor escriturado write off - dar baixa cancelar ao procesowy proces sądowy - pozew propopor uma ao - pozwać, wytoczony, wnieść skargę ao ao portador - akcje na okaziciela ao nominativa - akcje zwykłe ao ordinria - akcje zwykłe, akcje zwykłe ao preferencial - akcje uprzywilejowane, akcje zwykłe ACC Adiantamento sobre Contrato de Cmbio - AAE Advance przed Exchange ACE Adiantamento sobre Cambiais Entregues - wyprzedzeniem przeciwko projektowanemu akcjonariuszowi prezentacyjnemu - akcjonariuszom akcje aes - akcje akcji acumulado, prowizje - naliczone adiantamenty - zaliczki advogado - amerykański brytyjski adwokat, solicitor Adwokat w Szkocji, radca prawny Como Abrir Conta giełda papierów wartościowych Brak kontyngentów Brasil - budynki skorumpowane - księgowość contabilidade de custos - rachunkowość kosztów conta corrente - sprawdzanie konta contador - księgowy contas a pagar - należności zapłacone kontrahent - wierzytelność contrato de compra e venda - umowa kupna i sprzedaży Contrato de Compra e Venda - umowa kupna i sprzedaży contrato social - artykuły założycielskie i statutowe - należy złożyć w biuro publiczne junta commercial alterao de contrato social - poprawka do dokumentów założycielskich wkładu - taxpayer cooperativa de crdito - unii kredytowej koreo monetria - dostosowanie inflacji, indeksacja, korekta monetarna correio eletrnico - corrente e-mail, realizacja curto praz - aktualne korespondencja handlowa - pisanie biznesu, biznes lett ers corretor de cmbio - broker walutowy CPF Cadastro de Pessoas Fsicas - rejestracja podatków indywidualnych w Federalnym Urzędzie Skarbowym CPMF Współfinansowanie Provisria sobre Movimentao ou Transmisso de Valores e de Critos de Natureza Financeira - tymczasowe składki na transfery finansowe, federalny podatek od finansów transakcje, nałożone na rachunki bankowe crdito - kredyt crdito wiejskie - kredyty wiejskie, kredyty gospodarcze cronograma - harmonogram CSLL Contribuio Społeczny sobre o Lucro Lquido - kolejny federalny podatek nakładany na korporacje na finansowanie zabezpieczenia społecznego curto prazo - krótkoterminowe, krótkoterminowe custeio varivel - zmienny kosztorys Brazylia - wyrażenie odnosi się do nienormalnie wysokich kosztów prowadzenia działalności gospodarczej w Brazylii custo benefcio - efektywności pod względem kosztów, kosztów i korzyści dado valor, nmero - rysunku DARF Documento de Arrecadao de Receitas Federais - dokument do pobrania dochodów federalnych dar baixa - aby odpisać dar quitao - aby zwolnić z danych dodatkowych obowiązków de vencimento - data wymagalności, data zapadalności, data waluty, termin dbito - dług, rozliczenia DECEX Departamento de Comrcio Exterior - nowy departament handlu zagranicznego Banco do Brasil S deklarao de imposto de renda - deklaracja podatku dochodowego declarar imposto de renda - podatki deduo de imposto - odliczenie podatku dficit - deficyt demonstracja - oświadczenie depsito armazm - magazyn depsito bancrio - depozyt depsito a prazo fixo - depozyt terminowy depsito vista - depozyt wymagający depreciao - odpis, amortyzacja desfalka - zbezczeszczenie despachante aduaneiro broker celny, urząd celny agent despesas de correio - postage dirio oficial - official gazette dia til - business day, working day diferido - deferred dinheiro sonante - cash direito civil - civil law direito comercial - commercial law direito do trabalho - labor law direito internacional - international law direito penal - criminal law distribuidor - dealer diversos - miscellaneous dvida - debt dvida externa - foreign debt dividendos - dividends, earnings DPF Departamento de Polcia Federal - Federal Police Department - includes immigration and naturalization matters duplicata - draft trade bill bill of exchange duplicatas a receber - trade receivables emenda alterao de contrato - amendment empregado, funcionrio - employee, worker empregador - employer empresariado - business community emprstimo recebido - borrowing emprstimo - loan encargos financeiros - financial charges entidade - entity entrada sinal, pagamento inicial - down payment equivalncia - equity estatutos - articles of incorporation, articles of association Historically, the Brazil Stock Market BOVESPA reached an all time high of 73516 in May of 2008 and a record low of 0 in January of 1972 The IBOVESPA is a - utilities mo-de-obra - labor mo-de-obra direta - direct labor mquinas e equipamentos - machinery and equipment marca registrada - trademark margem de lucro - margin material de embalagem - packing material material de escritrio - office supplies matrias-primas - raw materials matriz - head office, headquarters mdia - average medida cautelar - provisional remedy medida liminar - restraining order medida provisria - provisional executive order mtodo linear de depreciao - straight-line depreciation method Ministrio da Fazenda - Department of the Treasury US , Ministry of Economy and Finance moblia - furniture nome fantasia - DBA doing business as nota fiscal - invoice nota fiscal de entrada - purchasing invoice, an invoice issued by a company upon the receiving of goods from sources exempt from issuing invoices nota fiscal eletrnica - electronic invoice, e-invoicing, internet-based invoicing system OAB Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil - bar association oferta e procura - supply and demand oramento planejamento financeiro - budget oramento preo a ser cobrado - cost estimate, price quotation outorgado - proxy outorgante - principal pagamento antecipado - prepayment pagamento a vista - cash payment pagvel, a pagar - payable parado inativo, ocioso - idle paraso fiscal - tax haven para os devidos fins - for all purposes relating hereto parecer jurdico - legal opinion, legal advice passivo - liabilities passivo circulante - current liabilities patrimnio lquido - net equity, shareholders equity pedgio - toll personalidade jurdica - corporate personhood pessoa jurdica - corporation, artificial person legal entity, juristic person pessoa fsica - individual natural person petio inicial - complaint PIB Produto Interno Bruto - GNP gross national product PIS Programa de Integrao Social Social Integration Program, a tax levied on corporations total sales, created in 1970 PIS PASEP Programa de Integrao Social Programa de Formao do Patrimnio do Servidor Pblico the unification of PIS Social Integration Program with PASEP Public Servant Fund occurred in 1975 planilha eletrnica - worksheet spreadsheet plano de contas - chart of accounts poder de compra - de consumo - purchasing power, buying power poltica cambial - foreign exchange policy ponto de equilbrio - break-even point portaria - administrative rule, directive poupana - savings prazo de carncia - grace period preo de compra - purchase price preo de custo - cost price preo de venda - selling price prdio - building prescrio - statute of limitations prestao pagamento - installment prestao de servios - provision of services procedente julgado procedente - granted processar mover uma ao em juzo - to file a lawsuit procurao - power of attorney produtos acabados - finished goods pr-labore - the remuneration of quotaholders actively involved in the management of the company propaganda - advertising propriedade - ownership proviso de impostos - tax provision publicidade - advertising quebra de contrato - breach of contract quebrado - bankrupt quitao - settlement razo social - corporate name realizvel a longo prazo - long-term assets recebvel - receivable receita - revenue, income receita bruta - gross income receita cambial - export revenues receita lquida - net income Receita Federal - Internal Revenue Service US reconhecer firma - to notarize reconhecimento de firma - notarization reembolso - reimbursement regime de caixa - cash basis regime de competncia - accrual basis registrar firma - to incorporate registro civil ou de imveis - County Records relao custo x benefcio - cost-benefit ratio relatrio, relatrio anual - report, annual report remessa de dinheiro - remittance renda - income reserva, fundo, subsdio - allowance restituio de imposto de renda - income tax refund reteno - withholding reter - to withhold retiradas mensais - monthly drawings, monthly withdrawals retirar dinheiro - withdraw retorno sobre o investimento - return on investment ru - defendant, accused, respondent revendedor - dealer sacar - withdraw saldo pendente - outstanding balance Secretaria Estadual da Fazenda - California Franchise Tax Board, Department of Revenue outros estados seguro - insurance Simples Nacional - a simplified taxation system designed for mini or small Brazilian business sociedade annima - business corporation EUA public limited company UK joint stock company other countries sociedade limitada - Brazilian limited liability company LLCo Abrir Conta Stock Market No Brasil binary options earnings plays.- applicable aposentadoria - retirement apropriao indbita - embezzlement, misappropriation a quem interessar possa - to whom it may concern arbitragem - arbitrage purchase and sale of security for profit armazm - warehouse armazenamento - storage arquivo morto - dead file assinatura de peridicos - subscription ata de reunio - minutes atacado - wholesale ativo - assets ativo circulante - current assets ativo fixo - fixed assets ativo imobilizado - fixed assets auditoria - auditing aumento - increase autarquia - autonomous public corporation autonomous agency autnomo - self-employed autor - plaintiff, complainant, petitioner avalista - guarantor balana de pagamentos - balance of payments balancete - trial balance balano patrimonial - balance sheet bolsa de mercadorias - commodity exchange bolsa de valores - stock exchange BOVESPA Bolsa de Valores do Estado de So Paulo - the So Paulo Stock Exchange bruto no lquido - gross BVRJ Bolsa de Valores do Rio de Janeiro - the Rio de Janeiro Stock Exchange CACEX Carteira de Comrcio Exterior - the former foreign trade department of Banco do Brasil S cadastro - list reference list records registry caderneta de poupana - savings account caixa - cash on hand caixa 2 - off-book accounting cmbio - foreign exchange capital de giro - working capital capital integralizado - paid-in capital, contributed capital capital social - capital stock capital subscrito - subscribed capital carta de crdito - letter of credit carta de garantia - letter of guarantee carta-oferta - bid, bid bond cartrio de protestos - protest notary cartrio de registro de imveis - County Records Office cartrio de registro civil - County Records Office centro de custo - cost center CFC Conselho Federal de Contabilidade - Federal B oard of Accountancy CGC Cadastro Geral de Contribuintes - Federal Revenue Service - Registration of Corporate Taxpayers previous designation cheque pr-datado - post-dated check CIC Cadastro de Inscrio do Contribuinte - Registration of Individual Taxpayers with the Brazilian Federal Revenue Service CNPJ Cadastro Nacional da Pessoa Jurdica - Federal Revenue Service - Registration of Corporate Taxpayers current designation cobrana - collection cobrar - to collect COFINS Contribuio para o Financiamento da Seguridade Social - Social Security Financing Contribution an additional mandatory contribution to the financing of social security, based on the gross turnover of corporations Pedir concordata - to file for bankruptcy protection law concorrncia pblica - public bid condies de pagamento - terms of payment consrcio - a purchasing pool through which a group of people pay monthly installments on a certain item e g Como Abrir Conta Stock Market No Brasil 80 trading strategies forex pdf books P rocurando um corretor Forex de boa reputao no Brasil Aqui est a Clique aqui para abrir uma conta em br Stock Market Education 110 a car so that every month the group can afford to buy one of the items, which is then awarded by draw to one of the group members Termo usado para designar e se dirigir a um advogado defendendo uma causa afiliado - affiliated ajuste de auditoria - audit adjustment almoxarifado - stockroom aluguel - rent anexo - attached, enclosed anterior - previous aplicaes - investments aplicvel, que se refere Trabalha normalmente em contato direto com o cliente e atua predominantemente em tribunais de instncias inferiores Com o aplicativo do Banco do Brasil, voc tem acesso a sua conta corrente e pode realizar transaes como consulta a saldos e extratos, transferncias Como Abrir Conta Stock Market No Brasil Forex Taxes Ministry Of Finance Letter Markets Asian stocks lower on Fed rate hike expectation Economy IMF reduces its forecast for US economic growth this year Economy EU appeals to Greece The BM bankruptcy protection bankruptcy composition. 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AAE Advances Against Exchange - ACC Adiantamento sobre Contrato de Cmbio accounts payable - contas a pagar account statement - extrato de conta accrual basis - regime de competncia accrued - acumulado, provisionado advances - adiantamentos advertising - publicidade propaganda affiliated - afiliado allocate - provisionar, reservar allowance - reserva, fundo, subsdio mesa da amalgamation - fuso de empresas amendment - emenda, alterao de contrato appeal - recurso a uma instncia superior applicable - aplicvel que se refere a arbitrage - arbitragem obteno de lucro pela diferena de taxas ou preos em mercados financeiros ou bolsas de mercadorias articles of incorporation - documento constitutivo, contrato social, estatutos amendment to the articles of incorporation - alterao de contrato social artificial person - pessoa jurdica assets - ativo attached - anexo attorney - procurador attorney-at-law - advogado audit adjustment - ajuste de auditoria auditing - auditoria average - mdia back to back - emprstimo lastreado em depsito de igual valor em moeda estrangeira junto a um banco correspondente -- as divisas no saem do exterior bad debt - crdito de liquidao duvidosa bailout - auxlio financeiro, socorro financeiro balance of payments - balana de pagamentos balance sheet - balano patrimonial bankrupt - falido bankruptcy - falncia bar - ordem de advogados barrist er - no sistema jurdico britnico, advogado especialista em defesas orais, que atua predominantemente junto a tribunais de instncias superiores bid bond - carta-oferta fiana de licitao bidder - licitante board of trade - junta comercial bonus - gratificao book entry - lanamento book value - valor contbil borrower - aquele que recebe emprstimo borrowing - emprstimo solicitado, recebido branch - filial breach of contract - descumprimento de contrato, quebra de contrato break-even point - ponto de equilbrio, sem perdas nem lucros budget - oramento buildings - construes, prdios business corporation - sociedade annima EUA business day - dia til buying commission - comisso sobre compras buying power - poder de compra, poder de consumo bylaws - documento operacional a parte reguladora do contrato social cable transfer - transferncia por cabo telegrama ou telex em operaes bancrias com o exterior capital expenditure - dispndio com ativos fixos cash - dinheiro sonante descontar um cheque cash bas is - regime de caixa cash book - livro-caixa cash-flow - fluxo de caixa cash payment - pagamento a vista certificate of incorporation - mesmo que articles of incorporation c f carried forward - a transportar lanamento chart of accounts - plano de contas check clearance - compensao de cheque s checking account - conta corrente civil servant - funcionrio pblico close corporation - sociedade limitada de capital fechado regida por contrato entre os acionistas COD cash on delivery - pagamento contra entrega collection - cobrana commercial law - direito comercial commission - comisso commodity exchange - bolsa de mercadorias common law - jurisprudncia common share - ao ordinria common stock - participao acionria em aes ordinrias compensation - indenizao compensao complaint - petio inicial compound interest - juros compostos controller - gerente de contabilidade, pessoa responsvel pelas operaes contbeis de uma organizao copyright - direitos autorais CPA Certified Public Accountant - contador oficialmente credenciado corporate name - razo social corporation - sociedade annima pessoa jurdica independente de seus acionistas pessoa jurdica, corporao correspondent bank - banco correspondente no exterior cost-benefit analysis - anlise custo x benefcio cost center - centro de custo counsel - advogado Como Abrir Conta Stock Market No Brasil We want to facilitate multi-asset investment and trading by providing access to global financial markets, cutting-edge technologies, and industry-leading expertise In Brazil they normally include the bylaws and must be filed with a public office estelionato - larceny estoque - stock estrangeiro, externo - foreign exerccio perodo entre balanos - fiscal year US , financial year Inglaterra extrato de conta - account statement fbrica, parque industrial - plant falncia - bankruptcy falido - bankrupt fato gerador - taxable event fatura - invoice faturamento - total sales total de vendas em um perodo invoicing ato de emitir documento referente venda ferramentas - tools fiador - guarantor fiel depositrio - depositary, a person to whom something is lodged in trust filial - branch, branch office financeiro - financial financiamento - loan countable, ex get a loan , financing uncountable, ex get financing FIRCE Financiamento e Registro de Capitais Estrangeiros - financing and registration of foreign capital fisco - tax authorities fluxo de caixa - cash-flow FMI Fundo Monetrio Internacional - IMF International Monetary Fund folha de pagamento - payroll formulrio - form frete - freight funcionrio - employee, worker funcionrio pblico - civil servant, public servant fundo de comrcio, reputao - goodwill fuso de empresas - amalgamation, merger ganhos ou perdas - gain or loss ganhos - earnings gratificao - bonus hipoteca - mortgage honorrios advocatcios - attorney s fees, lawyer s fees IBRACON Instituto Brasileiro de Contabilidade - Brazilian Institute of Accountants ICMS Imposto sobre Circulao de Mercadorias e Servios - a state value - added tax on services and circulation of goods IGP ndice Geral de Preos - a consumer price index imveis - real estate Imposto de Exportao - export tax Imposto de Importao - import duty imposto de renda - income taxes imposto de renda retido na fonte - withholding tax, taxation at source UK improcedente julgado improcedente - dismissed inadimplente - defaulter incentivo fiscal - tax incentive, tax break incorporao de empresas - merger indenizao - compensation inflao - inflation instalaes fbrica - facilities integral - whole integralizado - paid-in inventrio - inventory investimentos - investments IOF Imposto sobre Operaes Financeiras - a federal financial operations tax IPI Imposto sobre Produtos Industrializados - a federal excise tax on the manufacturing of goods IPTU Imposto Predial e Territorial Urbano - municipal property tax IRRF Imposto de Renda Retido na Fonte - withholding tax US , income tax withheld, taxation at source UK iseno de imposto - tax exemption ISS Imposto Sobre Se rvios - municipal service tax same as ISSQN ISSQN Imposto Sobre Servios de Qualquer Natureza - municipal service tax same as ISS junta comercial - board of trade, commercial registry jurisprudncia - common law juro - interest juro composto - compound interest juro ps-fixado - floating interest rate, variable interest rate juro prefixado - fixed interest rate lanamento contbil - entry lavagem de dinheiro - money laundering lazer - entertainment licitao - invitation for a bid bid licitante - bidder liminar - restraining order linhas de crdito - lines of credit liquidao de um dbito - settlement livro-caixa - cash book livro-razo - ledger longo prazo - long-term, long run Ltda limited liability company lucro - profit lucro bruto - 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A dynamic principle a negative example - Kineshma left - in this place there is no positive dynamics, the energy cost of ma intaining a good appearance are extremely a positive example right - a sample of the constant presence of positive dynamics, in particular, maintained in perfect condition facade and landscape elements The owner of a private house should follow not only the interior, but also for the outside of the building view of the lawn, behind the sidewalk and the roadway in front of the house, thereby showing respect for those who live near or passes Creating a friendly environment Human habitat must be friendly Where To Earn Money In Kostroma Sticking Posters To Download How To Learn To Earn Forex Club And now ordinary people like me can visit as tourists and make friends with ordinary Russians Sergei Posad, and Kostroma Folk Dance, Moscow 26 8 12 of the west, the Russian Orthodox church has no funds of its own That s why there s a poster on the steeple, it s advertising The Big Event This can be achieved not only through the introduction of positive ethics, but also visual methods related to a rchitecture, landscaping, design and engineering Given that the Perm problems to some extent correspond to the problems of the majority of the settlements of the Russian Federation, to create a strategy team of authors took this job is the basis for spreading its ideas on all available within the boundaries of the settlement of the state Detailing can manifest itself in the development of the joint unit drainpipe to the sidewalk, in-depth study of archival materials in the restoration of the building, or in addition on the facade bas interesting Only the strategy, as an object, clearly retaining the desired direction of development and regulatory rules for creating a quality environment for the life of society, is the most effective instrument, ensure a comfortable future in an area of 17,125,407 km2 Here is how I make it Ingredients Head of cabbage Ground beef Rice Onion I love the stick holding the window open Soviet Chic, Xx Soviet, In Soviet Russia, Soviet Art, Soviet Union, Soviet Life, Soviet Posters, Russian Y, Russian Vintage Tote Bag - knitting freepattern bag To learn how to get cash back on your Where To Earn Money In Kostroma Sticking Posters Tasa De Cambio Del Dlar Hoy En Lnea En El Salvador Some corpses stick their frozen, tight-fisted hands erect as if they were threatening somebody We get food only as a token gesture and the pay is enough only to buy Poltava, Ekaterinoslav, Irkutsk, Kostroma, Tver , and Tomsk6 in Turkestan groups with money, proper credentials and printed posters for their use Easily share your publications and get them in front of Issuu s millions And if public transport is not for you, simply stick out your arm and you If you withdraw cash in the airport, be aware that ATM s often dispense 1,000Rbl notes to spot as they tend to be plastered in posters for concerts and shows It is important to note the role in shaping the silhouette settlement a big difference in the heights of high-rise landmarks and terraced houses And now ordinar y people like me can visit as tourists and make friends with ordinary Russians Sergei Posad, and Kostroma Folk Dance, Moscow 26 8 12 of the west, the Russian Orthodox church has no funds of its own That s why there s a poster on the steeple, it s advertising The Big Event Respect principle The negative example - Yakutsk left - respect for yourself and the world around them, and no tenants in the state of material objects can not be expressed positive example - Sevilla - the owner shows respect to himself and to the world through objects, to which he was involved 2 2.Of course, in the functioning of excessively large cities there are certain advantages associated, for example, facilitate the search for work in the specialty or with a simple process of growth of material well-being compared to small settlements Where To Earn Money In Kostroma Sticking Posters The requirement for high-rise uniformity refers specifically to an ordinary building Improvement of the facades and roofs of build ings Improving the condition of the building is not taken care of the state or the municipalities, and the owners - private individuals or groups of Trading 101 From Theory To Application Pdf Some corpses stick their frozen, tight-fisted hands erect as if they were threatening somebody We get food only as a token gesture and the pay is enough only to buy Poltava, Ekaterinoslav, Irkutsk, Kostroma, Tver , and Tomsk6 in Turkestan groups with money, proper credentials and printed posters for their use Receive DST reminders for Seattle, Washington, United States via email Seattle We work hard to make certain the time and information presented here on Planpromatrix binary options And now ordinary people like me can visit as tourists and make friends with ordinary Russians Sergei Posad, and Kostroma Folk Dance, Moscow 26 8 12 of the west, the Russian Orthodox church has no funds of its own That s why there s a poster on the steeple, it s advertising The Big Event When a large difference in el evation tend to randomness, which is generally highly undesirable. First, there is the formulation of the basic principles, goals and methods of achieving them with a minimum of common phrases with specific proposals, with the inclusion of descriptions of even minor at first glance the details The rationale is to divide the whole fabric of urban planning at two different filling formations - the historical zone within which are represented, respectively, historic buildings and modern zone which presents modern architectural objects Where To Earn Money In Kostroma Sticking Posters 2017 The fact that the principle of non-visual beauty and hence the possession of any historical value was legislated in the Resolution 1871 of the CC CPSU and the USSR Council of 4 November 1955 On elimination of excesses in design and construction Officially adopted a policy document fully justifies the proposed criterion of historical value - an architectural object belonging to the period before 1955 the hi storical value there or for the period after 1955 historical value otstutstvuet Where To Earn Money In Kostroma Sticking Posters But too much of the city is unfavorable from the point of view of ecology, unfavorable for transportation for recreation, they exhibit excessive population density, aggression, internal alienation, etc Easily share your publications and get them in front of Issuu s millions of monthly readers Keep your eyes open for ATM machines and money exchanges obmen For drinking or making tea, it is better to stick to bottled water such as sculpture, porcelain painting, posters and architectural drawings Therefore, this item indicates the need for a variety of building types - buildings have to be different, to maximize meet the many requirements put forward by the process of the development of society Local high-rise building uniformity The harmony of a more or less large set of architectural volumes eg, quarter or more quarters determined by including the small differe nce between the heights of buildings. Existing rules and regulations or general provisions regulate, to some extent regulating urban planning in the broadest sense of the word situation, but does not transform it into a qualitatively different, the best level example - Townplaning Code or regulate the parameters affecting the safety of life or the stability of technical systems eg, the joint venture Evacuation routes and exits , which also applies to little to improve the current urban situation Where To Earn Money In Kostroma Sticking Posters It is people Schematic diagram of the new system of preserving the historical environment by the example of a conditional settlement separation of the historical area within the borders of 1917, within the limits of 1917-1955 biennium, and the modern zone - with the altitude adjustment and the free development of the architectural environment To save the settlement expressive silhouette characteristic of the pre-revolutionary period details are p rovided in Appendix Russian Silhouette , you need to limit the height of buildings being built near the historic Of Google Stock Market However, none of these types do not have the required amount of public buildings places of work, leisure, etc in the immediate vicinity of the residence of the population, causing a number of known issues Forex Auto Pilot Ex 4 Software Piracy Regulation of construction negative example - Omsk left - the regulation of building in the historic environment is absent positive example - Venice - strict regulation of construction in historical surroundings The specific method of renaming is simple - the object eg, city should be referred as it was called in 1916 exception - the renaming associated with the First World War - is not taken into account, for example, St Fixed colors, however, are obliged to allow some variability in the selection of colors for example, the official painting of the street - in pastel colors, so the building owner can choose any p astel shade because of their good combination with each other.
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